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Jerry’s Collision Center on Joppa Road Can Help You Decide.

Getting into an accident is stressful, and the aftermath can be confusing. One of the biggest decisions you’ll face is whether to repair your car or replace it entirely. Here at Jerry’s Collision Center on Joppa Road in Parkville, MD, we want to help you navigate this process.

Car Repair

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some key factors to consider:

The Extent of the Damage:

  • Minor Damage: Dings, scratches, or minor fender benders can often be repaired for a reasonable cost.
  • Moderate Damage: More extensive damage to doors, bumpers, or panels may still be repairable, but the cost could be significant.
  • Major Damage: If the frame, airbags, or engine are compromised, repairs might be impractical or unsafe. In these cases, your car might be considered “totaled” by your insurance company.

The Value of Your Car:

  • Newer Car: If your car is relatively new and holds good value, repairs might be the better option, especially for moderate damage.
  • Older Car: For older cars with lower value, repairs approaching the car’s worth might not be wise financially.

The Car’s History and Condition:

  • Reliable Car: If your car has been dependable before the accident, you might be more confident in a proper repair.
  • Frequent Repairs: If your car has required frequent repairs before the accident, it might be time to consider an upgrade.

Your Insurance Coverage:

  • Collision Coverage: This covers repairs to your car, regardless of fault. Your insurance company will assess the damage and determine if repairs are feasible.
  • Total Loss Threshold: This is the percentage of a car’s value that triggers a “totaling” by your insurance company. They will then pay you the car’s fair market value

Here at Jerry’s Collision Center, we can help you assess the damage and work with your insurance company to determine the best course of action. We offer free estimates and will be transparent about the repair process and costs.

Remember, safety is paramount. If the car’s safety is compromised in any way, repairs might not be advisable.

Here Are Some Additional Tips:

  • Get multiple estimates: Don’t rely solely on your insurance company’s estimate. Get quotes from reputable repair shops like Jerry’s Collision Center.
  • Consider diminished value: Even if your car is repaired, it might have a lower resale value due to the accident. You might be able to file a diminished value claim with your insurance company.
  • Trust your gut: Ultimately, the decision of whether to repair or replace your car is yours. Consider all the factors and choose the option that makes the most sense for you financially and practically.

Jerry’s Collision Center on Joppa Road is here for you every step of the way, from initial estimates to expert repairs. Contact us today, and let’s get your car back on the road safely and looking its best!