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At Jerry’s Collision Center, we understand that accidents happen. And when they do, you need a reliable body shop to restore your vehicle to its pre-collision condition. Recently, we had the opportunity to work on a 2016 Toyota Sienna XLE that came to us with significant rear-end damage, sustained in an unfortunate incident on Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21218.
This particular vehicle arrived at our collision center with a severely compromised rear section. The impact had caused extensive damage to the bumper, tailgate, and underlying structural components. For any car owner this kind of damage can be very stressful.
The Jerry’s Collision Center Difference
Our team of skilled technicians immediately went to work, utilizing their expertise and state-of-the-art equipment to meticulously repair the vehicle. Here’s a glimpse into our process:
• Detailed Assessment: We began with a thorough assessment of the damage, ensuring that no hidden issues were overlooked.
• Precision Repairs: Our technicians performed precise repairs to the damaged body panels and structural components, restoring the vehicle’s integrity.
• Expert Paint Matching: Our paint specialists flawlessly matched the original factory finish, ensuring a seamless repair.
• Quality Assurance: We conducted rigorous quality checks to ensure that every aspect of the repair met our high standards.
The Before and After Transformation
We’re proud to showcase the remarkable transformation of this 2016 Toyota Sienna XLE. The before and after pictures speak for themselves:
2016 damaged Toyota Sienna
2016 Damaged Toyota Sienna2016 Damaged Toyota Sienna
Restored 2016 Toyota Sienna
As you can see, the vehicle was restored to its original condition, looking as good as new. At Jerry’s Collision Center, we take pride in our ability to deliver exceptional results, even in the most challenging situations.
Why Choose Jerry’s Collision Center?
• Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained and experienced collision repair professionals.
• Quality Craftsmanship: We use only the highest quality parts and materials, ensuring lasting repairs.
• Customer Satisfaction: We’re committed to providing our customers with a seamless and stress-free repair experience.
• Local Baltimore Service: We are proud to serve the Baltimore, MD community.
If you’ve been involved in a collision, trust Jerry’s Collision Center to restore your vehicle to its former glory. We’re your trusted body shop in Baltimore.
Contact Us
For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Jerry’s Collision Center today.