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Appointment with Us!

Call or fill out our form today to schedule a service with our auto body repair shop.

Serving Baltimore
Since 1957

We Are Committed to
a Greener Environment

At Jerry’s, we strive to ensure that our repair process meet the highest standards for environmental protection.

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Don’t waste a moment waiting to fix your car. Let us help today!

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Been in an Accident?

Jerry’s Collision Center can help your car get back to new condition!

In an Accident?
“Treated Like Family”

See what other customers have to say about working with our team.

Collision Center Services

Ready to make your car as good as new again?

At Jerry’s Collision Center, we believe the key to a satisfied customer begins with communication. From the very first contact we have until we deliver a vehicle, we keep our customers informed. We are proud of our business model that focuses first and foremost on the satisfaction of our clients. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is second to none!

About our Body Shop

Factory Trained Auto Body Technicians Who Care About You

When you come to Jerry’s, you can rest assured knowing that we truly care about you and will do everything we can to make the process as easy and pain-free as possible. Since 1957, we have been a leader in collision and auto body repair in the Baltimore area and have been a pioneer in customer services. For example, we take pride in our lifetime paint repair warranty and our standardized quality control processes that allow us to ensure we deliver every vehicle on time and according to the manufacturer’s specifications. We also pride ourselves on being green! With our eco-friendly processes, we help protect both our environment and our employees.

Baltimore, Maryland’s Premier Luxury Vehicle Collision Center


At Jerry’s Collision Center, we know that great customer service starts with clear communication. So, if you’re searching for a “body shop near me,” from your first call to the moment we hand back your keys, we make sure to keep you informed every step of the way. As a leading auto body shop in Baltimore since 1957, we’ve built our reputation on putting customer satisfaction first. Our friendly, knowledgeable team is dedicated to making your experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.


When you choose Jerry’s, you’re choosing a collision repair shop in Baltimore that truly cares. We back our work with a lifetime paint repair warranty and follow strict quality control processes to ensure every vehicle meets manufacturer specifications and is delivered on time. We’re also proud to be environmentally conscious, using eco-friendly practices to protect both our planet and our employees. When you need expert service, schedule a service appointment in Baltimore with us. For collision repair and auto body services you can trust, visit the most reliable service center in Baltimore—Jerry’s Collision Center!


Toyota certified collision logo

At Jerry’s Collision Center,
we are a Body Shop Direct Repair Facility for:

Body Shop Insurance Baltimore

For guaranteed quality and quick auto body repairs there is only one place to go…Jerry’s!

Contact Us Today!

Jerry’s Collision Center

1940 East Joppa Road
Baltimore, MD 21234


24-Hour Towing

Hours of Operation
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm
Sat 8:00am-12:00pm

1940 East Joppa Road, Parkville, MD, USA

Call us today for a free estimate!